Galanthus (Snowdrop)

Centaurea (Knapweeds)

Geranium pratense (Meadow crane's - bill)

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Shepherd's - purse) - sold

Echium vulgare (Per's Bugloss)

Alcea Rosea (Hollyhook)
Relief Oil Paintings
Plant paintings are created by casting real plants into a plaster relief, which serves as a basis for oil painting. The result is a relief painting that emerges from the surface and you can even touch it without any worries.
Each paintings has a wooden frame made of pine wood impregnated with beeswax.The size of the square painting, including the frame, is 52 x 52 cm. The size of the rectangular picture, including the frame, is 40 x 58 cm.
The price of the painting is EUR 500, including the frame + transport costs.
Each painting is original.
It is also possible to order a picture of a specific plant, but I always have to wait for the time when the plant grows or blooms in nature.