Mountain pass / size 70 x 100 cm, year 2021
Black images
So I call the still-evolving series of drawings, which are created on a black paper.
They are usually painted with white or gold ink marker. Black paintings are created on the basis of the initial inspiration according to a topic close to me, which is further developed during painting.
The paintings can be seen in my studio.
Etheric cross / size 70 x 100 cm, year 2021
Working progress ...
Earth, man, zodiac and celestial impulse / size 70x 100 cm, year 2020
Tranquility / size 70 x 70 cm, year 2020
Strength protects Love, Love heals Strength / size 70 x 100 cm, year 2020
These two images were inspired by words of Jesus Christ "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and air." (John 3.5.)
Inspired by: Ex Deo Nascimur - In Christo Morimur - Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus
A different view / size 70 x 50 cm, year 2018